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Mrs. Karia' Playlist- October 11th

What is the Wildcat Playlist?

Every week in class, I am striving to feature at least one song suggested by students (for 3rd-5th grade classes). Whether I use it for stretches or other portions of our learning, I want to show that all styles of music have value and can be appreciated. In addition I am hoping to share a bit of music that I have enjoyed as well as new finds.

Student Request #1-Harry Potter- John Williams

Last week students did stretches to music from Harry Potter (requested by Max). The students were unable to contain their excitement as they entered the classroom to the music. (I am a huge Harry Potter fan myself- go Hufflepuff)

Student Request #2- Bad Habits- Ed Sheeran

 Several students (Clara, Aminah, Vivian, Wynne, and Milan) requested this song. For our last activity (which most classes got to) we listened to "Bad Habits" and analyzed the form of the song together. The form of Bad Habits is very similar to a lot of pop songs' forms so students will be on the look for this in future listening sessions. They also listened for what instruments they could hear as well as for the meter (duple) and tonality (minor) of the song.

Old Favorite- Last Midnight- Bernadette Peters

 This week our family watched the movie version of "Into the Woods". About 20 years ago, I had the opportunity to play "Cinderella" in a Chicago production so it was fun to revisit one of Stephen Sondheim's most popular musicals. Though I was Cinderella the witch's song "Last Midnight" has been on my playlist this week (from the original Broadway production- I love Bernadette Peters! I would love to get a chance to play that part one day- when I have time. (The clip also has the song "Your Fault" one of the best sung argument songs of all time)

New Find- I kissed her cheek - emily (Antonacci)

Over the summer, my family took a small trip to my alma mater University of Illinois in Champaign-Urbana and had the pleasure of hearing Peoria native emily in a street festival downtown. She described her sound as sad girl uke pop which really appeals to me I guess! It's just the kind of song you can wind down with at the end of a long day.  (You can hear part of the song at the link above)

I'll try to post at least one playlist a month. Have any suggestions of songs or styles of music that students would find interesting? You can fill out the form here.

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