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Song of the Week 2022-2023


During black history month we are moving to, singing, and learning about songs through the Preservation Hall Website. The first song we learned about was "Don't you just know it" Then we learned 2 Mardi Gras songs "Mardi Gras Mambo" and "Mardi Gras in New Orleans"

Over the course of the month, we are also learning the song "Lift Every Voice and Sing" (the African American National Anthem). Students listened to a version by Beyonce from her Homecoming documentary. Students will have an opportunity to sing this song along with chorus at the Black History Month Family Night on February 25th at 6 p.m. Here is a link to a children's recording which will be similar to how we are singing it (we will only do the 1st verse). LIFT EVERY VOICE AND SING. Students also requested the karoke version we hace been using in class. It has the later verses which have lyrics which deal with our country's troubled past of discrimination and violence so please use your own discretion in deciding whether the content is age approrpiate for your child.   KARAOKE VERSION

January- Some of the classes learned the song "Scotland's Burning"

Scotland's Burning, Scotland's Burning

Look Out, Look Out

Fire! Fire! Fire! Fire!

Pour on water, Pour on water

December- We learned songs for our winter sing and Music Alone Shall Live

All things shall perish under the sky

Music alone shall live (3x)

Never to die

November- We learned a morning song that was shared with us from the Potawatomi tribe (Through the Potawatomi organization). The lyrics are on the Winter Sing Slideshow.

10/25-10/31 Ghost of John (older grades) / Autumn Leaves are Falling Down

Most of the 3rd, 4th and 5th grades learned this song. Most Halloween songs are in minor, which is a concept the 5th grade is studying right now. All the younger classes learned "Autumn Leaves are Falling Down"

Since Autumn Leaves is a brand new song, I don't have a recording yet. But here are the lyrics. Hopefully your child can sing it for you! The students learned the "oohs" and crunches first but they should know the whole thing know.

Autumn leaves are falling down


Gently drifting to the ground


Yellow, orange, red and brown


Stomping, stomping hear their sound


10/18-10/24 Skin and Bones/ Autumn Leaves are Falling Down (depending on class)

Most of the classes learned this song with my special guest Nana (not from this video.) Other classes learned an original song I wrote called "Autumn Leaves are Falling Down"


Tik Tak (from Greece)

Previous weeks:

1. Whittier will shine

2. What makes a wildcat wild

3. Boom Chicka Boom

4. My Bonnie lies over the ocean

5. Lil' Liza Jane

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